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R e s p o n s e s a n d F e e d b a c k

What others have said about Dream Puppets’ Productions
(Cath Benton, Ruyton Girls’ School, Kew. Vic.)
“It transported us to another realm.” (Elizabeth Moore, Cottesloe Primary School, W.A.)
“Excellent. Couldn’t be better. Impressive. Children were enthralled.” (J. Cullen, Thurgoona Public School, N.S.W.)
“ Truly stunning - magical and mesmerising! The students and I loved every moment of this spellbinding performance.”

Dreamer in Space:
“Brilliant! The children were enthralled and captivated throughout.” (Debbie Coffey, Osborne Primary School, Vic.)
“It was what I hoped it would be and more. It delighted, surprised and challenged. The children oohed and aahed. An unforgettable experience.” (Nadja Slovak (Preps), St. Joseph’s Springvale. Vic.)
“Thoroughly worthwhile!” (Laura Lamech, Kilvington Girls’, Vic.)
“Fantastic. It felt like we had escaped to another world. Children and adults really enjoyed it.” (Isobel Henderson Kindergarten, Vic.)
“The children were in awe; they are still talking about it (5 days later).” (Madelyne Smith, Church Street Children’s Centre, Footscray West, Vic.)
“Your show had children from K - 6 spellbound. “ Michael Pearce, Principal, Glen Huon Primary School, Tasmania

Dreamer in the Deep
***** Five star review ‘The Advertiser’ Adelaide Fringe Festival 2007 “Mesmerising, beautiful, exquisitely puppeteered show – remarkable.” Patrick McDonald, ‘The Advertiser’ Adelaide.
“Excellent. Beautiful integrated puppetry performance. Clever, engaging and funny.” (Michael Mack, Kildare Catholic College, Wagga Wagga. N.S.W.)
“Very stimulating and creative. Great effects and explanations. Amazing there was only one performer! Excellent.” (Deb Reakes, Adelong Public School, N.S.W.)
“Everything was amazing, from the fantastic puppets to the unbelievable music and props which managed to capture the imaginations, not only of the children, but all the adults as well….We have had many performances by puppeteers before but none have come close to the absolute professionalism that yours exhibited.” (Kaye Hall, Langwarrin Park Pre-School, Vic.)
“Excellent! Terrific use of lights, colour, movement and sound to portray the story .The puppetry movements were very life like and believable.” A very entertaining performance.”
(Gordon Orchard , Years 8 and 9 St Augustine’s College, Gailes QLD).

Thank you to the students at Ravenswood Heights Primary School, Tasmania, New Norfolk Primary School and Chilgai Steiner School.
Thank you to Brendan, Jessi, Katharine, Michelle, Vivienne, Hadia,
Michael, Johanna, Aimee, Dillon, Zoe, Suzannah, Rebecca, Ashley, Kris, Jackson. Holly. Nicolette, Jules, Timothy, Jade and Emily for your wonderful drawings.